The Police
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Distraction Burglary/Door Knocks

Dear Resident


Just to inform you that there has been a report of a distraction burglary on the ward, (Kipling Drive area).


The brief circumstances are as follows-

Sometime after 09:30 hrs on Friday 19th April, 2 people posing as carers attended an address of a vulnerable elderly person.

They managed to gain access to the address, at which point they stole bank cards etc.

If you saw anything suspicious around this time or have any relevant CCTV , Please could you contact Lancs Police on 101 Quoting log ref LC-20240419-0335


We have also had a recent unconnected report on the neighbouring Clifton ward of people knocking on peoples doors, on the pretext of cleaning gutters, again a vulnerable elderly person was talked in to handing over a substantial amount of money upfront, without any work being carried.


In light of the above incidents, Please could I ask you to keep an eye out on any vulnerable neighbours, or if you have any vulnerable family members, to remind them to be careful , of any unexpected visitors at their front door.





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Message Sent By
Andrew Machin
(Police, PCSO, Blackpool South )

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